North Westside Fellowship Church
North Westside Fellowship Church is a friendly small-sized church nestled on the northwest side of Okanagan Lake. Our Sunday gathering, averaging 35 dedicated followers of Christ, meets in a multipurpose room in the Killiney Beach Community Hall, a space large enough to accommodate up to 85 people.
Adjacent to the Fire Station, the church hall is wheelchair accessible, with ample kitchen space. The church also has access to the community library building next door, as space for a pastor’s office and Sunday school classes.
The mature congregation faithfully supports the work of three missions, builds disciples through Bible studies and prayer, offers parent and child programs and children’s VBS outreaches. The church family supports and nurtures authentic relationships over coffee, lunches and visiting times after Sunday services, at potluck meals and other creative social and communal activities. We are thankful for the talented worship team that leads us in Holy-Spirit filled song and praise.​